Sunday, September 30, 2007

Upcoming Whipple Creek Grand Opening

During the week of Sunday, October 14, 2007 through Sunday, October 21, 2007, we will be having a week of activites and celebration for our official GRAND OPENING of Whipple Creek Church. We have been meeting at our campus at 8802 NW 9th Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98665 for a while but have been remodeling inside to make room for all the ministries that take place at Whipple Creek Church during the week. This week will be full of activities to celebrate our grand opening. Included in the activities will be events that take place at FacePlant Ministries. Here are some things you won't want to miss during that week.

It has come time again for baptisms at Whipple Creek Church. MANY of you have come to know Jesus Christ through FacePlant Ministries and have been baptized in water as a sign of your commitment to Christ and a public declaration to family and friends that you are a Christ-follower. We have had another 5 conversions over the past two weeks at SkateChurch, bringing us to 145 young people giving their lives to Christ. That is PHENOMINAL! If you are one of these new believers, or you have missed out on the other times we have been baptized, let me know and I will baptize you on Sunday, October 14th. Make sure to let your family and friends know so that they can join in that special time.

Our middle school and high school youth groups will combine on Tuesday, October 16th for a BATTLE OFTHE BANDS, which is where 6 local Christian bands will battle it out to see who you, the voter, deems as the best local Christian band. This is a free show and every one attending will receive a ballot so that they can vote. This is a great way to help support local Christian acts as well as expose our youth to more positive music. The band that wins first prize will get one free song recorded and produced at Trixie Studios. The runner up will receive a gift certificate to Guitar Center. Bands that have confirmed so far are: The Neverclaim, Paper Rings and Hearts Unfold.

At SkateChurch on Thursday, October 18th, we will be inviting BOTH PARENTS AND YOUTH to join us INDOORS for some games of FLATLAND S.K.A.T.E. and a barbeque. This is a great opportunity for young people to bring their parents out to watch them compete with other local FacePlant skaters. There will be sponsored and unsponsored brackets. Trophies will be awarded to S.K.A.T.E. winners. We will also be having a barbeque. This is also a great opportunity for us on staff to connect with your parents. It is going to be a fun-filled evening.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


At the end of this summer, we have been able to focus on peoples journey's to the foreign mission field. All of these people are somehow connected with FacePlant Ministries. Christian Jung went to Poland. Kaymi Manning went to Nepal. Danita Serafin went to Costa Rica. A group from Calvary Chapel went to Mexico. A friend through Calvary Chapel, Ryan McCabe, is a missionary in Africa. These people have been, or will be sharing about their missionary journeys at FacePlant Ministries. It has been awesome to see how God has used all these people to reach people for Christ around the world. Enjoy the stories.

In August, Christian Jung, youth pastor at Whipple Creek Church, was able to help lead a two-week short-term missions trip to Piotrkow-Trybunalski, Poland. Other FacePlant youth and staff who were able to make the missions trip were: Jonas Jung, Levi Aljets, Andrew Haley, Brennan Jung, Lindsey Manning, Aaron Trimble and Andy Pence. He had a great time ministering through a Vacation Bible School that the team led. He also had a chance to reach out to the youth of Poland at the local skate park in Poland. He was able to skate with the youth, play and sing some original FacPlant worship songs, share his testimony and the gospel of Christ with the young people. In a way, FacePlant ministries is far reaching - even across the world into Poland. The team was able to donate a skateboard to one of the youth from the church in Piotrkow named Kuba. He is the first FacePlant skater to ride in Poland. Check out the pictures and video. To find out more about the trip, please visit Christian's missions blog at: .

Kaymi Manning has been involved in leadership at FacePlant Ministries from its' inception. Over the last year she has ministered with Reign Ministries and been in Kansas for most of the year. Earlier this year, she shared with us about her missionary journeys in Honduras where she was a part of a short-term missions trip during the Spring. She spent this last Summer in Nepal on a short-term missions trip. She shared about her trip with us a few weeks ago, explaining her trip and showing pictures from her trip. She was able to do street evangelism, practical ministry and more. One thing that stuck out to me was that she was able to visit a leper colony and rub lotion into a womans disfigured hands, showing her in a very practical way, the love of Jesus.

A group of believers from Calvary Chapel in Vancouver, Washington, who we are connected with at FacePlant Ministries, got a chance to go to Juarez, Mexico over the summer. Maria and Alex who have been involved at FacePlant Ministries were a part of that team. While in Mexico, they were able to perform a drama pesentation to a powerful song by the Christian band, Lifehouse. The gospel of Christ is so evident through this drama. God used them and this drama to bring a number of people to Christ in Mexico. When Paul told me about the impact of this skit, we decided to see if they could perform it at FacePlant SkateChurch on a Thursday night. The group graciously agreed to perform it and believe me when I say that God used them and this drama here in Vancouver, Washington as well. I could see the tears being fought back as the Holy Spirit ministered to the youth. Check out the pictures from that night.

Coming up on Tuesday, September 11th, 2007, Ryan McCabe, a missionary in Africa will be sharing with us at FacePlant Ministries. Simeon, the youth pastor at Calvary Chapel in Vancouver, and I got together one evening and decided to do a combined event at Whipple Creek Church. So this coming Tuesday, we will have some bands playing a Christian rock show and then Ryan will talk to us about his journeys as a missionary in Africa. To find out more about Ryan's missionary journeys, please visit his blog at: .We will be combining Middle School and High School. The event will take place from 6:00pm to 8:30pm. Please come and join us for this event. I know it will be a good time.


Danita is a senior in high school and spent this last summer on a short-term missions trip with Reign Ministries in Costa Rica, Central America. Not this Tuesday but next Tuesday night, she will be sharing about her missionary journeys in Costa Rica. I know that her team used inventive ways to proclaim the gospel of Christ. Danita was involved on the puppet team. She will be sharing her stories both at Middle School and High School youth group. We had a chance to help support Danita as a youth group financially and prayerfully and had the chance to send her off at the beginning of the Summer. We are excited to hear about how God used her.


I just wanted us to take a moment to remember other missionaries from Whipple Creek Church and FacePlant Ministries. Many of you remember Jesse and Tanya Gellatly (the really tall skater guy and his wife). We had a chance to send them off to Mozambique, Africa earlier this Summer. They were awesome servants of Christ at FacePlant Ministries while they were here. We support them financially by selling soda and chips on Thursday nights at SkateChurch. Please remember them in your prayers. They are doing an awesome work of God. To find out more about their journeys, please visit their missions blog at: . We also had a chance to send off Paul Ainslie a couple of weeks ago. He is in Germany at a Calvary Chapel Bible College. I just heard from him recently and he is having an awesome time and God is using him to reach out to many of the wild youth of Germany who are chained up by sinful lifestyles. Let us remember him in prayer, that God uses him to see the chains of sin fall from that generation in Germany, and that God gives him more opportunity to evangelize at the skatepark near the Bible college. May God continue to protect our missionaries from Whipple Creek Church and FacePlant Ministries around the world, and use them to further His kingdom.

FacePlant Middle School Beach Trip

FacePlant Middle School Beach Trip.

As most of you probably know, our Tuesday night youth group is split into two groups: Middle School from 6:00pm to 7:30pm and High School from 7:30pm to 9:00pm. Both our Middle School and High School youth groups have been growing in number and spiritually every week. This last week we had more middle schoolers than ever. We decided that since we had a FacePlant High School summer camp at the beginning of the summer, we would have a FacePlant Middle School trip to the beach at the end of the summer. A small group of us took a trip to Cannon Beach this last Saturday. We went Boogie boarding, played football and got buried in the sand. We had a blast. Sorry that more of you couldn't make it. No worries. We will have more of these trips coming up in the future. I am already looking into winter camp for Middle School and High School this next year at Camp Davidson. Keep your ear to the ground.


Christian Jung



September 2007 Skate Competition Results
On Thursday, September 6, 2007, we had our fourth skate competition at FacePlant SkateChurch. There was a pretty big turnout with skaters competing in the sponsored and unsponsored brackets as well as for the biggest air and best tick. There were trophies awarded for 1st place through 5th place in the sponsored and unsponsored categories, and trophies for the biggest air winner and the best trick winner. Everyone did really well. Those who didn't get a trophy were encouraged to keep practicing for next time. Here are the results from the competition:

UNSPONSORED: 1st place: Tim Hartman, 2nd place: Cody Bell, 3rd place: Zach Ball, 4th place: Corey Dennis, 5th place: Chris Perez.

SPONSORED: 1st place: Josh Newton, 2nd place: Curtis Christensen, 3rd place: Kyle Ponciano, 4th place: Kyle McClellan, 5th place: John Mason.

BIGGEST AIR: Josh Newton.

BEST TRICK: Jake Misener.

FacePlant Sponsorships
Lately, we have been pretty laid back about what it takes to be a sponsored FacePlant skater. As of right now, we have an A-TEAM and a B-TEAM. This is all going to change. There will be no more A-TEAM and B-TEAM. Just sponsored skaters. FacePlant SkateChurch staff member, Matt Popi and I have been talking about raising the bar again. So many skaters want to be sponsored. The requirements I had made before to be sponsored by FacePlant have not been followed that well. The time has come for that to change. I have hade almost two years to observe you guys in action. I will be making decisions based on your skateboarding skills and improvement and your spiritual life. Here are the new requirements:
(1) Must have a growing, hand-holding relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
(2) Must have completed the trick list to our liking and be able to be on the level of or on your way to being on par with other skaters who have sponsors.
(3) Must read the Bible and journal every day in the "Real Life Journal." These journals will be checked every Thursday at SkateChurch.
(4) Must attend Tuesdays and Thursdays consistantly AS WELL AS Sunday mornings at Whipple Creek Church at least every other week and be a part of our FacePlant prayer team on Sunday mornings.
(5) Must attend our FacePlant SkateTour trips to skate parks as often as possible and be involved in outreach to other youth at the skate parks.
I know it sounds like a bunch of rules...but there is a reason behind these requirement. I want everyone who is skating for FacePlant Ministries to be accountable for their lifestyle. Remember, the FacePlant logo has a cross and a Christian fish in it, so when you are representing and skating for FacePlant Ministries, you are representing and skating for Jesus Christ. I am also thinking about starting a FacePlant scooter team. Same requirements apply. Next batch of sponsored guys will be receiving FacePlant sweatshirts. I'm not just giving them away to anyone. You're going to have to work hard for them.
Christian Jung
Youth Pastor