Sunday, September 30, 2007
Upcoming Whipple Creek Grand Opening
Sunday, September 9, 2007

Danita is a senior in high school and spent this last summer on a short-term missions trip with Reign Ministries in Costa Rica, Central America. Not this Tuesday but next Tuesday night, she will be sharing about her missionary journeys in Costa Rica. I know that her team used inventive ways to proclaim the gospel of Christ. Danita was involved on the puppet team. She will be sharing her stories both at Middle School and High School youth group. We had a chance to help support Danita as a youth group financially and prayerfully and had the chance to send her off at the beginning of the Summer. We are excited to hear about how God used her.

I just wanted us to take a moment to remember other missionaries from Whipple Creek Church and FacePlant Ministries. Many of you remember Jesse and Tanya Gellatly (the really tall skater guy and his wife). We had a chance to send them off to Mozambique, Africa earlier this Summer. They were awesome servants of Christ at FacePlant Ministries while they were here. We support them financially by selling soda and chips on Thursday nights at SkateChurch. Please remember them in your prayers. They are doing an awesome work of God. To find out more about their journeys, please visit their missions blog at: . We also had a chance to send off Paul Ainslie a couple of weeks ago. He is in Germany at a Calvary Chapel Bible College. I just heard from him recently and he is having an awesome time and God is using him to reach out to many of the wild youth of Germany who are chained up by sinful lifestyles. Let us remember him in prayer, that God uses him to see the chains of sin fall from that generation in Germany, and that God gives him more opportunity to evangelize at the skatepark near the Bible college. May God continue to protect our missionaries from Whipple Creek Church and FacePlant Ministries around the world, and use them to further His kingdom.
FacePlant Middle School Beach Trip
FacePlant Middle School Beach Trip.
As most of you probably know, our Tuesday night youth group is split into two groups: Middle School from 6:00pm to 7:30pm and High School from 7:30pm to 9:00pm. Both our Middle School and High School youth groups have been growing in number and spiritually every week. This last week we had more middle schoolers than ever. We decided that since we had a FacePlant High School summer camp at the beginning of the summer, we would have a FacePlant Middle School trip to the beach at the end of the summer. A small group of us took a trip to Cannon Beach this last Saturday. We went Boogie boarding, played football and got buried in the sand. We had a blast. Sorry that more of you couldn't make it. No worries. We will have more of these trips coming up in the future. I am already looking into winter camp for Middle School and High School this next year at Camp Davidson. Keep your ear to the ground.
Christian Jung

September 2007 Skate Competition Results

FacePlant Sponsorships
Christian Jung