Thursday, April 10, 2008

Two Baptisms, Thirteen Conversions and Six Recommitments

A couple of Sundays ago we had an awesome Sunday morning at Whipple Creek Church where two FacePlant youth were baptized. Brandon Wardle and Andrew Haley both publicly declared their faith in Christ in front of family and friends and identified with Christ symbolically through water baptism. Water baptism symbolizes a dying to the old life and sinful nature, a sort of burial as they are brought under the water, and a resurrection from death to new life in Christ as brand new creations as they come up out of the water. It is a beautiful picture of what Christ has done in our lives when we give ourselves to Him. I am so proud of you two.
There has been a lot of new faces at FacePlant SkateChurch on Thursday nights. This is pretty normal for us as friends invite more friends, etc. I am so excited because tonight, as we continue to teach through the gospel of John (we are in John chapter six now), 13 new young people raised their hands and prayed to receive Christ! Praise God! That makes 47 coversions so far in 2008. We saw 83 conversions in 2007 and 80 conversions in 2006. In the last two and a half years, since the beginning of FacePlant Ministries, 210 young people have given their lives to Christ! There has been some major partying going on in heaven.
Along with the first time decisions for Christ, we had 2 recomitments this week and 4 recommitments the week before. Praise the Lord for His Spirit who continues to nudge our young people back toward Himself. I almost hate to use numbers like it is some kind of contest or like these kids are just some number. The truth is, as we read the New Testament, the book of Acts recorded in specific numbers how many were added to the Church as followers of Christ. These kids are precious in the sight of God. We love them and so does Jesus. We continue to rejoice as we see so much fruit from this ministry.
Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor