Monday, June 30, 2008

Team FacePlant Newberg Video


On June 21, 2008, a group of us from Team FacePlant headed to Newberg Skate Park. Aiden Franklin, of friend of ours who has been coming out to SkateChurch drove us there in his band's (Dear Whoever) 15 passenger van. Aiden was sponsored by Black Label when he was younger and has skated Newberg Skate Park a lot. If you like a lot of vert, then you will love Newberg Skate Park. It has a lot of bowls and transfers will great flow. The guys had a blast just pumping to get speed in the bowls and then launnching over transfers and out of the bowls. Not much street stuff to skate, which is cool cause it pushes our guys to work more on their vert skating. They do have a dragon rail and a volcano with a rotating top. Fun stuff. Overall, I give the park a 3 star rating. If they had some more street skating obstacles, it would be near a 5 star rating.