Friday, October 17, 2008

THREE Skaters Receive Christ, FOUR Skaters Recommit

I feel so blessed! Yesterday was my 35th birthday, and it happened to fall on a SkateChurch night. Well first of all, the guys suprised me by giving me a sweet birthday card. Earlier yesterday, I felt in my heart that there were going to be young people who would give their lives to Christ that night at SkateChurch. So for our sponsorship meeting at 5:00pm, I taught our sponsored skaters how to lead people to Jesus, you know, how to pray with them to receive Christ. Guess what, THREE skaters asked Christ into their hearts and FOUR skaters recommitted their lives to Christ. And guess what? It wasn't me or any other adult staff member who led them through a prayer. To cap off an already awesome birthday, I stood back and watched our sponsored skaters, who I've been investing in for the past three years, lead their fellow peers to Jesus as they prayed with each one to receive Christ. THANK YOU GOD for letting me experience this! I am so proud of you guys! We have seen 219 young people ask Christ into their hearts since FacePlant Ministries started in early 2006; 80 in 2006, 83 in 2007 and 56 so far in 2008!

This is what our final NEW FacePlant Logo is. We have shirts and stickers with the new logo on it available. Shirts are $10..00/each and stickers are 2 for $1.00. We still have a couple of sweatshirts in XL for sale as well as a few beanies with the old logo on it. You can buy a sweatshirt for $25.00 and a beanie for $10.00. Just ask me or one of the staff members at SkateChurch if you are interested in buying stuff.
Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor