Thursday, December 25, 2008


Something Different This Christmas.
At Whipple Creek Church and at FacePlant SkateChurch we decided to do something for this lost and hurting world that would really make a difference. We took the money that came in from the door charge at SkateChurch on Thursdays during the month of December, which ended up being $70.00, and sent it, along with money raised at Whipple Creek Church on Sundays, to World Vision to help end human trafficking as part of the "Advent Conspiracy" idea. The money that we raised will help set a young girl free from the sex slave trade in a foreign country. Check out the Advent Conspiracy video. A lot of churches have used the money that they raised to help bring clean water to many villages around the world, giving people clean water to drink and saving lives. The idea behind the Advent Conspiracy, is to take a portion of the money that would be spent on elaborate gifts for one another, and send it to other places around the world, giving them gifts that have much eternal value, such as the gift of clean water for a village by digging a well, the gift of freedom for a young girl from the sex-slave trade, and gifts like chickens and goats that produce food and milk for those battling everyday with starvation. I am really stoked that we decided to look beyond ourselves at FacePlant Ministries this Christmas season, and help the hurting around the world. And this from a bunch of teenage skaters. Pretty cool.
Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor

Friday, December 12, 2008

Finally - FacePlant Decks for Sponsored Skaters

For the last few years I've been wanting us at FacePlant Ministries to save up enough money to purchase FacePlant skateboards to give to our sponsored skaters. Last night, every flow-sponsored skater received one deck and every full-sponsored skater received two decks. I was able to get a great deal through a blank skate deck company online. I also made a stencil of the new FacePlant logo and spray painted the logo on the new decks. Thanks for waiting so long for the FP boards all you sponsored guys! A lot of other skaters who are regulars at SkateChurch have been asking about how to get sponsored and if we sold the FP decks. Good questions. As far as getting sponsored, it's the same deal: (1) Have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus, (2) Be at a certain skill level at skating and (3) Consistantly come and hang out with Aiden and the rest of us as we go on trips to other skae parks, etc. Also, maybe around February or so we can purchase more FP decks and have them available for skaters to purchase.

For the last few months we have changed the way we've been doing the Church part of SkateChurch. Almost every week now, either Aiden, myself or one of the other volunteer staff members give the message from the Bible, then we break down into small groups where our sponsored skaters lead each group and ask questions and dialogue about what the message that night was about. It has been a real blessing being able to see the FacePlant skaters lead their peers in the study of the Bible. Every week at 5:00 pm we have a meeting for the sponsored skaters where we discuss upcoming events, pray and take a look at what the message is about and what the small group questions are. It has been amazing as well to see our small groups pray with and lead other skaters to Christ for the first time. We have had 2 more conversions make atotal of 58 first time decisions to follow Christ since the beginning of this year, and 221 since FacePlant SkateChurch began back in early 2006. I truly believe that FacePlant SkateChurch has had a tremendous impact for the Kingdom of God here in Vancouver, Washington and is a viable church plant...a church made up of skaters.

Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor