Saturday, October 7, 2006


On October 7, 2006 team FacePlant headed to it's third skate park as a team. This time we decided to go to Department of Skateboarding in downtown Portland. As the weather turns crummy skaters are forced to go indoors to skate and D.O.S. is one of the only ones around. D.O.S. is a fairly decent sized park with tons of stuff to skate. There are tons of ramps, leadges and rails to skate. There is a sweet 7 stair and a ski jump (my personal favorite). For vert they have a nive mini ramp and in another room they have a huge wooden pool to skate. The park doesn't have much flow so you pretty much pick what you want to skate and skate it. It tends to get over-crowded inside, especially when it is raining., so you have to watch out for little kids skating. The size of the skate park and amount of things to skate is attractive. Most of our team skates D.O.S. all the time. Overall I give Department of Skateboarding a FOUR STAR rating.

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