Sunday, May 13, 2007


A few of us got a chance to go skate up Pier Park skate park in Portland, Oregon last Friday, May 10, 2007. Kyle and Blaine didn't have school so the three of us cruised with Jacob, youth pastor at Walnut Grove, and a couple of his youth to Pier Park. It's not too far from the Couve which is nice. They have three different bowls; small, medium and large, including a full-pipe in the big bowl. The street skating portion is alright. You can get a cool run going if you start at the top and work your way back in a giant "U." There are some really steep transitions in the street section which makes wall rides fun. They have a couple of handrails and a six stair. The park is defintely stronger in the vert side of things. We had fun, though. Launching out of the ski jump on the far side of the street section seemed to be the obstacle of choice that day. Our guys and the Walnut Grove crew landed some sick tricks. I think I'll put the video of Blaine and Kyle skating the full-pipe on MySpace. Overall, I give Pier Park a three star rating.
Christian Jung
Youth Pastor

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"The Lord added...those who were being saved."

Acts 2:47, "And every day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved."
Last Thusday we had 5 more youth at FacePlant SkateChurch give their hearts to Christ. Then, yesterday, at Tuesday night FacePlant Middle School youth group we had 8 visitors who asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of their sins and come into their lives. Seems like new youth are giving their lives to Christ every other day. That makes 49 new believers since the beginning of 2007 and 129 new believers since the beginning of 2006 at FacePlant Ministries! I think we have a New Testament church going on at FacePlant Ministries! If the angels rejoice over one sinner that repents, there has been some partying going on in heaven lately.
Christian Jung
Youth Pastor

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Youth Group I Always Dreamed Of Having

The Youth Group I Always Dreamed Of Having
I don't know if you guys remember me saying this before at FacePlant Ministries, but when I was a young(er) youth pastor in Hayward, California at the age of 21, there was a youth group in San Lorenzo where the students that attended were on fire for God. They would go into their schools and lead fellow students to Christ. They would lay hands on the sick and they would be healed. they would bring their Bibles to school and pray. They would stand up for Jesus in every situation. That was the kind of youth group I always dreamed of having and pastoring. My dreams have come true. FacePlant Ministries is full of on-fire Christians who are turning the world upside down. We've been having some prayer and worship sessions before youth group on Tuesday nights. Middle school students...I'll say it again...Middle School students are receiving gifts of teaching, evangelism, healing, helps, discerning of spirits and tongues. PRAISE THE LORD! Also, we have had 7 more young people come to Christ during the month of April. That makes 36 conversions since the beginning of 2007, and 116 conversions since the beginning of 2006! WOW! Most youth ministries don't see this kind of fruit after ten years of labor. Thank you God for blessing Whipple Creek Church with such a vital youth ministry.
Christian Jung
Youth Pastor