Saturday, July 28, 2007

NEW Girls Small Group!

New Girls Small Group!
Our FacePlant High School youth group has just started a new girls small group. Mari and Joyce, two of our volunteer youth staff, have taken a group of the high school girls, most of them in 9th grade, and have begun to meet as a small group that takes place outside of our normal Tuesday night youth group and Thursday night SkateChurch. You can see a picture of some of them above (Hanna is missing from the picture as she left before the picture was taken). They actually have quite a few signed up and do a focused Bible study using curriculum from a book, as well as go out and just have fun. I will let Mari fill you in more on the details.
Christian Jung
Youth Pastor
So far our girls' Bible study meetings have been both encouraging and thoughtful. We are meeting at Hanna's house on various days each month. The first meeting we learned about how our past experiences filter how we see God, and often in unhealthy ways. We also learned about how God takes our old self and renames us - claiming us as one of his own through our faith in Christ. After finishing, we went to Steak Burger and did a little mini-golf. A few girls even got holes in one! The second meeting we learned about "the road less traveled." The Bible says, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matthew 7:13-14). Our life journey can take us down either road (and sometimes a bit of both), so we discussed specific things you might encounter on each. After we finished this study, we were off to Hazel Dell Lanes for a little bowling.
The book we are studying is called Daughters of Heaven. This is a devotional-style book that helps us get know God in a greater, more intimate way. In it, we are asked to be honest with ourselves and with God, and through it we learn more about His unconditional love and direction for us. It discusses the Biblical vs. world view on the following issues: friendships, family, guys, purity, faith, forgiveness, school, temptation, taking a stand, and the future.
Mari Walters
Volunteer Youth Staff

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