Thursday, December 27, 2007

FacePlant SkateChurch Winter Schedule and Stuff

I can't believe that another year has gone by. Last Winter was when we first decided to bring SkateChurch indoors. We raised money from the community and screwed down plywood to our main sanctuary floor. Remember that? It was a raw plywood floor that had an orange fence surrounding it with a lot of ramps on the floor. We had the quarter pipes, a couple of kickers, boxes and rails set up. This is before Whipple Creek Church was meeting in the facilities on Sunday mornings. Well, things look a little different this Winter. We painted the main sanctuary as well as the plywood as Whipple Creek Church now meets here every Sunday morning. We don't have a fence. We just move chairs to the sides every Thursday. There are not as many ramps but more room to skate. Now we just set up the spine, a kicker, a box and a couple of rails. We started charging at the door to help cover the costs ($1 for sponsored and $2 for unsponsored). We don't have quite as many every Thursday but new skaters are always coming out. We've had a bunch of skate competitions with trophies being awarded to those who placed. We've had sponsorships for those who have excelled both in skating and spiritually. We've had a sick FacePlant Skate Tour where we've traveled to different skate parks in Oregon and Washington. We've taught on the parables of Christ, the miracles of Christ and are currently studying through the gospel of John. We try to make the messages fun and relevant; from handing out rubber snakes to showing movie clips from the "Passion of the Christ." Last SkateChurch we had 1 person make a first time decision to follow Christ and 1 recommitment. That makes 83 first time decisions for the year 2007 at FacePlant Ministries, totaling 163 first time decisions and hundreds of recommitments since FacePlant Ministries started in January of 2006. Praise the Lord for the great harvest that has taken place here in Vancouver, Washington among the youth. Now my prayer is that those young people would stay faithful to Christ and continue to grow and develope in their walk with God. Here is a Christmas greeting I sent out to all the FacePlant youth that I could via MySpace a week ago:
Hey FacePlant Youth:
I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It has been another great year at FacePlant Ministries with 83 young people making first time decisions to follow Christ.I only have one question about that: Some of you 83 young people I still see around on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But many of you I have lost contact with because you haven't been out to youth group at FacePlant Ministries or church at Whipple Creek. Where have you been? God's Word says in Hebrews 10:25 that we are to "not forsake the assembling of ourselves together" and that we should meet together, like at church or youth group, "even more so as we see the Day of Christ approaching." My hope in prayer is that those of you who I don't see anymore are attending another youth group or church. If not, please take this as an invitation to come back to FacePlant Ministries.
As Christ-followers, we are told from God's Word that we are to:
(1) Pray without ceasing (talk to Jesus throughout the day, everyday)
(2) Read and study God's Word (the Bible on a daily basis)
(3) Meet with other Christ-followers (like I mentioned above) and
(4) Be a witness for Jesus (by your words and actions)
These are things we need to take part in to GROW in our relationship with Jesus Christ. If we are not taking part in these things we are NOT GROWING and are remaining SPIRITUAL DWARFS. God is looking for MIGHTY MEN AND WOMEN OF GOD to do battle against Satan, not SPIRITUAL DWARFS. What better of a place to grow in your walk with God than at FacePlant Ministries. I know some of you think, "it isn't fun" or "there are too many hypocrites there." I challenge you to change that...make it fun by being there and be one of the non-hypocritical at youth group. We are studying end times in Matthew 24 on Tuesdays and the gospel of John on Thursdays.
To those of you who are regular FacePlant attenders: I know that God has been and continues to bring you closer to Himself. I am very honored to be serving as your youth pastor. My hope and prayer is that you will continue to serve God faithfully, even in your youth, especially in your youth. I love all of you and can't wait to see what God has in store for you this next year. There will be no FacePlant Ministries on Tuesday, Dec. 25, Thursday, Dec. 27, or Tuesday, Jan. 1. Again Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. See you guys around.
Grace and peace,
Christian Jung
Coming up from February 1st-3rd, 2008 we have FacePlant Winter Camp for Middle School and High School Students. Will will be driving to Camp Davidson in Sisters, Oregon. It costs $100.00 per student. There will be skating (they have an indoor skatepark), snowboarding, a guest band and guest speaker, and lots of FUN! Make sure to sign up with me either on Tuesdays at Youth Group or on Thursdays at SkateChurch. DON'T MISS OUT!!!
Christian Jung
Youth Pastor

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