Thursday, May 29, 2008

Team FacePlant Goes To The DOS Demo

Department Of Skateboarding.
A little over a week ago, on Tuesday, May 20th, a bunch of us from Team FacePlant went to a demo held at DOS (Department Of Skateboarding). Department Of Skateboarding is a warehouse in downtown Portland that houses a large indoor skatepark and skate shop. We have filmed on a few occasions at DOS. Recently, they have re-designed the lay-out and flow of ramps and such. And to kick off the opening of the newly re-designed park, they had pro-skaters from Girl and Anti-Hero do a demo. To say the least it was SICK! Watching those guys is just inspiring. The FacePlant guys took some of there own pictures with some of the pro-skaters and I took a few myself. I think my favorite is the picture of Kyle Ponciano and Travis Reeder next to Phil Trotter (who happens to be an outspoken born again Christ-follower). Very soon we will have another Team FacePlant outing and film session at the newly re-designed DOS.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Building More Ramps For SkateChurch

Last Saturday Caleb, Gage, Jonas and I continued on the construction of a giant fun-box for FacePlant SkateChurch. This thing is going to be SICK when it's all finished. Check out the design above. The portions outlined in red we have already completed. By the time it is done it will have two hips and wedge kickers going up to a long flat box on one side, a hubba with metal coping sandwiched in the middle, and a wedge kicker to long flat box to three-stair w/handrail on the other side. We will continue to build this thing every other weekend or so. If you are interested in helping, make sure to let me know. The great thing about this new fun-box is that it has 16 pieces and can be stored in the SkateChurch trailer and will also be mobile. So if we ever wanted to do a demo, we could take it somewhere else and skate it. My hope is to have it completed by the end of summer. So if you are wondering what your $2.00 fee on Thursday nights goes to, now you know. By the time it is done this fun-box will have costed around $1,600.00. I am praying that God will provide the resources to complete it. Will you join me in praying for this, too? Thanks guys.
Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor

More Conversions and Rededications

Well, another month has flown by here at FacePlant SkateChurch. We have recently put out two SkateChurch videos. Please check them out on previous web-log entries. These young people continue to blow me away with how much they continue to improve in their skating. Something else that blows my mind is that we really don't do any huge advertisements or promotional stuff for FacePlant SkateChurch, yet by word of mouth we continue to always have new young people come out every Thursday. There is often a fluctuation of attendance at FacePlant SkateChurch. Some Thursdays we may have 30 kids, other Thursdays we will have 100 kids. There really seems to be no rhyme or reason. But I think there is. I believe that our God knows who needs to be there on what Thursday night to hear the specific message that God wants those present to hear. This is obvious to me as Russ and I have been praying with those who want to receive Christ. On those nights that we pray with those who want to give their lives to Christ, It is like God was speaking directly to their situation. And all we are doing is teaching verse by verse through the gospel of John. Obviously we teach it in a way that these young people can understand it, using funny illustrations - like when I had two of the guys eat as many Saltine crackers as they could while I slowly drank a bottle of water before their eyes to illustrate what Jesus said in John 6:35, "And he who believes in me will never thirst." But to be honest, we just share the truth of the gospel on Thursday nights and young people continue to come into a relationship with Him. Over this past month we have seen 4 more young people make first time decisions to follow Christ and at least 20 more rededicate their lives to Christ. 51 young people have made first time decisions to follow Christ since the beginning of this year and 214 since we started FacePlant Ministries almost 2 1/2 years ago!!! As long as lives continue to be changed, we will continue to exist as FacePlant Ministries. If there ever comes a time when lives stop being changed and people aren't being connected to Jesus Christ, we will call it quits. Until then: Skate for Christ. Live for Christ. "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor