Saturday, May 24, 2008

Building More Ramps For SkateChurch

Last Saturday Caleb, Gage, Jonas and I continued on the construction of a giant fun-box for FacePlant SkateChurch. This thing is going to be SICK when it's all finished. Check out the design above. The portions outlined in red we have already completed. By the time it is done it will have two hips and wedge kickers going up to a long flat box on one side, a hubba with metal coping sandwiched in the middle, and a wedge kicker to long flat box to three-stair w/handrail on the other side. We will continue to build this thing every other weekend or so. If you are interested in helping, make sure to let me know. The great thing about this new fun-box is that it has 16 pieces and can be stored in the SkateChurch trailer and will also be mobile. So if we ever wanted to do a demo, we could take it somewhere else and skate it. My hope is to have it completed by the end of summer. So if you are wondering what your $2.00 fee on Thursday nights goes to, now you know. By the time it is done this fun-box will have costed around $1,600.00. I am praying that God will provide the resources to complete it. Will you join me in praying for this, too? Thanks guys.
Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor

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