Tuesday, August 19, 2008

ONE Ramp Built, TWO Souls Saved

ONE Ramp Built.
More exciting things continue to happen at FacePlant SkateChurch. Some of the regulars at SkateChurch have been trying to get me to build a super long, mellow kicker for a little while. I finally got some time to be able to do this on a Thursday before SkateChurch. We all put our heads together and drew out how long and mellow it was to be. The thing is, we built it almost three feet tall, which could be a bit tall for some of the guys who can't get enough speed to skate it. I like it, as do a bunch of the other guys. It's just going to get some time to get used to. If you skate it just right, it totally launches you. We put it over the gap at SkateChurch. Thanks to all of you who came out in 106 degree weather to help build the new kicker.

TWO Souls Saved.
We continue to see lives being changed at FacePlant SkateChurch. I have been continuing in my weekly teaching out of the gospel of John. This last week two young people responded to an invitation to, for the first time in their life, ask Jesus to forgive them of their sins, put their complete trust in Him, and ask Him into their hearts. Thank you Lord, that 2 names were added to the Book of Life last week at SkateChurch. So far this year we have seen 53 young people begin a personal, hand-holding relationship with Jesus and 216 young people since FacePlant Ministries began back at the beginning of 2006. Thank you, God, for such an awesome place where young people can meet You!
Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor

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