Sunday, January 27, 2008

New Converts Every Week in January at SkateChurch

We have had a great start to the year 2008 at SkateChurch. We have seen a lot of new faces and many people are inviting friends out. The indoor skate park has been pretty packed every week in January. We have continued our teaching through the gospel of John and have seen young people respond to the gospel every week. Each Thursday night we have seen young people put their trust in Christ for the first time and ask Him into their hearts. Here were the decisions for Christ in January 2008:
January 3rd: 3
January 10th: 9
January 17th: 3
January 24th:1
January 31st: 2
We continue to be amazed as we stand back and see the Lord change lives. We have seen 18 conversions so far in 2008. We had 83 conversions in 2007 and 80 conversions in 2006. That brings us to a total of 181 converts since FacePlant Ministries began a little over 2 years ago!!! Thank you Jesus for your grace and mercy. I pray that this would just be the beginning and that many more young people would enter into a personal, hand-holding relationship with Jesus Christ this year.
Christian Jung
Youth Pastor

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