Saturday, February 9, 2008


We had an awesome time at Winter Camp 2008. We were supposed to go to Camp Davidson in Sisters, Oregon for the weekend, but we have been having record snow up in the Cascades this past few weeks and Highway 20 was shut down making it impossible for us to go to Camp Davidson. The cool thing is that God totally opened up the door for us to have our Winter Camp 2008 at Twin Rocks Camp in Rockaway, Oregon on the Oregon Coast. They just happened to have an opening the day before we were to have our camp. Thank you God for your provision!
We had around 25 middle school and high school students in attandance as well as 10 staff members and an awesome band called "The New Divide." Eric Nelson, a youth pastor in Woodland (also guitarist for The New Divide) came and spoke on being painted into God's masterpiece based on Ephesians 2:10. He also spoke a lot from the book of Jeremiah. He did an awesome job speaking and relaying God's message to the young people. The New Divide did a phenomenal job leading us into God's presence through worship and original music as well. We had intense small group times after the teachings, one student actually gave his heart to Christ in the small group setting. There was also a great ministry time one evening where many young people came to receive prayer.
The camp provided a killer environment for fun with a huge gym with lots of games and activities. Some went to the Tillamook Cheese factory on Saturday while others went to Lincoln City skate park. A group headed to the beach for a while as well. Zach, as he usually does, led the youth in a great night game of "Capture the Fish" (A variation of "Capture the Flag"), so sorry parents if your kids' clothes smelled a bit fishy. We had a movie night on Saturday night where we ate pocorn and ice cream and watch "The Chronicles of Narnia." And even though there wasn't any snow at camp, we made a stop in the coastal range for a nice snowball fight on the way back home. It was a great time. Thanks to everyone involved.
Christian Jung
Youth Pastor

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