Saturday, March 31, 2007


March 2007 Skate Competition Results
We had our third ever skate competition at FacePlant Ministries last Thursday, March 29, 2007. It was a great time. Tons of skaters, spectators and parents showed up to check out the action. We had 7 guys compete in the UNSPONSORED bracket, 7 guys compete in the B-TEAM bracket and 7 guys compete in the A-TEAM bracket (7-7-7 is considered by many the number of God). We also had a big air and best trick category. Everyone who competed did a great job and gave it their all. Here are the results:

A-TEAM: 1st Place: John Mason, 2nd Place: Josh Newton, 3rd Place: Curtis Christensen.

B-TEAM: 1st Place: Kyle Ponciano, 2nd Place: Brandon Clymer, 3rd Place: Tom Kaczmarek.

UNSPONSORED: 1st Place: Devin Chapman, 2nd Place: Ricky Brewer, 3rd Place: Corey Chapman.

BIGGEST AIR: John Mason.

BEST TRICK: John Mason.

Congratulations to everyone! You guys straight ripped it up. We'll have another competition in a few months. Hopefully, our next competition will be outside when the weather gets better. I'll keep you posted.

High School Happenings
Last month we had some friends of ours from the Russian church come and speak to us about some persecution they had been facing for praying in the public schools at our Tuesday night high school youth group. During that meeting 6 of our high schoolers stood up and said that they wanted to start prayer groups at their various high schools in spite of any persecution they might face. Praise the Lord for you guys who are willing to stand up for Christ. We are also in the midst of planning High School Summer Camp, so keep your ear to the ground...rumor has it that we will be doing a camp involving rock climbing and white water rafting. We are getting near the end of our study through the book of James. Small group discussion has been great.
Middle School Madness
Our Tuesday night middle school youth group is still experiencing tremendous growth. We are averaging over 50 middle school students every Tuesday night...a lot of you have been inviting friends which has been awesome. We are currently doing a Christian Reality TV series on DVD called, "The 24/7 Experience." We watch the DVD and then break off into small groups. Good times. Then last Tuesday night we watched a short clip from "The Passion of the Christ" and talked about baptism and communion. There were 7 students who prayed to receive Christ into their lives for the first time. Then we all took communion together. It was really cool. I got some great feedback from you guys. Also, close to 20 middle school students have signed up to get baptized this Sunday. Don't miss out this Sunday, April 1st, 10:30am at Alki Middle School. Come support your friends as they take this next step in their relationship with God.
Christian Jung
Youth Pastor

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