Saturday, March 3, 2007

New SkateChurch Times, Fees and Sponsored Skaters

New SkateChurch Times and Fees
Alright guys. We're adjusting our SkateChurch times. Starting Thursday, March 15th, 2007 these new times will be in effect for every Thursday:

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm: High School and older SKATERS
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Middle School and younger SKATERS
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm: All ages BMX BIKERS

By having these new times and age groups we will eliminate many of the glitches we've been running in to (most of them due to having SO MANY SKATERS and BMX BIKERS coming out to FacePlant SkateChurch on Thursdays, which is a good problem to have). Also we are adding a modest fee to each session. For each two hour session, the following fees will apply:


These fees will help us to pay for staff and bills that are needed to keep FacePlant SkateChurch going. These times and fees will change over the months and years to come as we build our new indoor skate park and add many new obstacles. These fees do not apply to spectators.

New Sponsored Skaters
And now the time you've been waiting for. It is finally time to announce the new list of sponsored skaters. First off, I want to explain the requirements as they have changed slightly. For a skater to be sponsored by FacePlant Ministries he or she must (1) Be in the process of having a hand-holding relationship with Jesus Christ, (2) Attend Thursday night FacePlant SkateChurch on a regular basis, (3) Attend Tuesday night Faceplant Middle School or High School youth ministry on a regular basis, (4) Meet the trick-list requirements to my satisfaction.

I stopped requiring you to turn in your Real Life Journals on a weekly basis, but I still want you to read through the Bible passages and write in your journals at home. Also, I am raising the bar for you guys that are sponsored. I will be asking you to serve at FacePlant Ministries and Whipple Creek Church in various capacities, like picking up trash after SkateChurch and helping out at other Whipple Creek Ministries like we did at Electric Avenue last year. You will also be asked to mentor younger, less experienced skaters by helping them learn how to skate. I will explain other ways you will be asked to serve as time goes by.

Well, those are the requirements. Now for the perks. Each sponsored skater will receive a free FacePlant deck at the beginning of April. You get more free stuff as you progress spiritually and in skill level. For instance, the A-Team will receive more free stuff than the B-Team. And even within the A-Team I have chosen to create a Top-Three group of our top three sponsored skaters that will get more free stuff than the rest of the A-Team. Hopefully, this encourages you to excel. So here it goes. The following is the new list of FacePlant sponsored skaters:

Josh Newton, John Mason, Kyle McClellan


Codie Cardon, Curtis Christensen, Boomer Gasaway, Wayne Purdy, Travis Reeder, Blaine Strachan, Lauren Swift, Brian Worcester, Collin Whalen, Austin Young


Travis Anson, Cole Brace, Brandon Clymer, Taylor Current, Michael Flores, Caleb Griffin, Danny Hamilton, Tom Kaczmarek, Jake Misener, Austin Oury, Kyle Ponciano, Mick Reeder, Jakoda Taylor, Dakota Wawrzyniak

CONGRATULATIONS YOU GUYS!!! Some of you are new additions, some of you progressed from B-Team to A-Team, some of you I let slide a tiny bit with the qualifications (Danny - get your trick list finished, Caleb - make it out to Tuesday nights more often) and unfortunately, some of you I had to cut because you have failed to show interest in meeting the qualifications. Don't worry, every six months I will be adjusting our sponsored skater list. And due to the lack of being able to go up as a group like I wanted to, I am post-poning our sponsorship for snowboarding until next season. As far as sponsorships for BMX Bikers, I am handing off that area to Shawn Hoffarth who is leading our FacePlant BMX BikeChurch.

I am truly excited as this summer, Lord willing, we will be on our FacePlant Oregon and Washington skate park tour. As long as we have enough vehicles and room, all sponsored skaters will be invited to go with us to two different skate parks a week, one on Wednesday and one on Friday. More to come on that. ALSO, our next skate competition will be on Thursday, March 29th, 2007 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. This time sponsored and unsponsored skaters will have two runs as we have a lot more time (4 hours) for the competition. Trophies will be awarded for 1st Place to 3rd Place in the categories of A-Team, B-Team, Unsponsored, Best Trick and Biggest Air. Sign up for the competition the week before. Keep planting your faces before God.

Christian Jung
Youth Pastor

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