Saturday, March 29, 2008

FacePlant Youth Staff Spotlight - Russ and Becky Manning

FacePlant Youth Staff Spotlight - Russ and Becky Manning
Can I just brag on some folks who have been with us at FacePlant Ministries from the very beginning? Russ and Becky Manning are an awesome couple with an awesome family who have an awesome heart for the youth skate community in Vancouver, Washington. There continued support and ongoing commitment to FacePlant Ministries needs to be recognized. As I have served the Lord with these two in the trenches, I can't think of many other people I would want more to have next to me on the frontlines of the battle for souls in the Kingdom of God. They are great friends and wonderful co-laborers in Christ. Apart from FacePlant Ministries, Russ and Becky are involved in many other ministries at Whipple Creek Church: They have spearheaded our Epic 702 Young Adult Ministry which they have at their home, are involved in our greeting team on Sundays, have helped in the construction of the remodel of Whipple Creek Church, are very much responsible for connecting people who are new visitors at Whipple Creek Church and many, many other things that I can go on and on about. To say the least, they are a vital part of the ministry at Whipple Creek Church. Russ and Becky, along with Christy and I, faithfully gather to pray in preparation for SkateChurch every Thursday.
FacePlant Youth Staff Spotlight - Russ Manning
Russ Manning is a man of God who I very much look up to. At FacePlant Ministries he is responsible for the unloading and loading up of all the ramps, rails and boxes that the youth skate on week in and week out. He drives Ol' Bessy (our church Suburban) and pulls the giant trailor full of skate stuff up to the church. He then gets a group of youth to help him with all of the skateboarding obstacles at the beginning and end of SkateChurch. The youth very much look up to him as well. He is constantly connecting with young people during SkateChurch. He also steps in to the role of Bible teacher at various times and just one week ago taught an awesome message. After his message, 5 new young people gave their lives to Christ bringing the total number of conversions at FacePlant Ministries to 34 this year and 197 since the beginning of FacePlant Ministries. Praise God for how God is using you, Russ. On behalf of FacePlant Ministries, thank you so much.
FacePlant Youth Staff Spotlight - Becky Manning
Becky Manning is a woman of God who is ready at a moment's notice to jump in and serve wherever there is a need at FacePlant Ministries. Every Thursday Becky and Christy sign in all skaters and spectators who come to SkateChurch at the front table. She takes on much of the logistical duties such as making photo-copies of blank release forms and such as needed. She, too, helps in setting the church back up after SkateChurch. During SkateChurch she is also connecting with young people throughout the night. I really count on Becky for disciplinary action needed when young people get out of line. Becky is always connecting with parents of FacePlant SkateChurch youth as they come in. She is also a very good photographer and most of the photos from skate competitions are her handiwork. FacePlant ministries would not be the well-oiled machine it is without Becky Manning. Praise God for how God is using you, Becky. On behalf of FacePlant Ministries, thank you so much.
Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor

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